In Canada, we’re mourning the lives of 22 people who were senselessly murdered by a lone gunman in quiet, friendly rural Nova Scotia on April 19, 2020. At the time, the mass shooting accounted for more deaths than Covid-19 had in the province with a population of almost one million. For the first few days, that was the only correlation made. A week into the investigation, it is becoming clear that this horrific rampage began as domestic violence. In addition, statistics are showing that violence against women has increased in Canada by 30 percent. We have more than one pandemic of which to be mindful.

Canadian Minister for Women and Gender Equality, Maryam Mosef is concerned about the increased danger women and children may experience while on Covid-19 lockdown:

Domestic violence - Wikipedia

Think about it. The coronavirus pandemic is empowering abusers. Many support groups have shut down. Victims are afraid to call help lines because their abuser is watching. Alcohol has been deemed ‘essential’. Abusers have their victims where they want them – isolated. The situation is a nightmare.

What can you do? In our polite society, we have a tendency to not get involved. If you suspect potential for violence, call the person and ask if they want help. Let them know that you are there and that women’s shelters are open. You may save someone’s life.

Abuse is all about ‘power’ and ‘control’. Case in point: The Nova Scotia gunman had a distinct admiration of power. He wanted to appear as an RCMP Officer. As a society, we need to start acknowledging the correlation between domestic abuse and violence. We need recognize and record homicides that have their root causes in domestic violence. Only then will we be able to address the problem.

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  1. it’s sad that this particular result of the lock downs isn’t mentioned nearly enough in the mainstream media. They are focused on the economic consequences of these decisions and rightly so for that is important but it shouldn’t overshadow or take priority over such other consequences of these decisions by political leaders. So often we hear lip service to having the victim heard, ensuring a voice to the voiceless but if real actionable steps are not taken to address these problems, the words are naught more than empty promises. would you agree?


    1. In Canada, within the first few weeks of the pandemic, our Federal Government (Liberal Party minority) gave $30 million to women’s and abuse centers. I’m sure that surprised a lot of people. It’s not enough, but it’s a step in the right direction. Our policing services and media that need to make the connection between murders and domestic violence. If one researches, one can find that the ‘experts’ have made the connection. It’s just not mainstream yet and it should be.

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  2. Even though I live in North Carolina I know domestic abuse personally. But was freed when he passed away. He was physically and mentally sick. But even so my son and I suffered from his emotional and on several occasions physical abuse. He was a Baptist Minister. Our son and I behaved like everything was fine at church because that was what was expected of us. We didn’t want to be responsible for him losing his job. Truthfully he would have been responsible for losing his job. Domestic violence and abuse is real! Thank you for spreading the news!!


    1. Domestic violence sees no borders.. Before my ex-husband became physically violent, domestic violence and abuse weren’t even on my radar. He was mentally ill, so I chalked his verbal abuse up to mental illness. It was only after I left him (the night be became violent) and sought help through experts that I recognized his abuse of 22 years as such. Thank you for commenting.

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      1. My husband had undiagnosed diabetes for about 7 years. Then it was poorly controlled . He had one big stroke which he survived but the MRI showed he had had many mini storkes. Being a nurse I felt I had to stay with him. I believed I was stronger emotionally than he was. I was right but I was damaged. Thanks to my family upbringing I handled it much better than he would have if the tables had been turned. I got my self back after 10 years. Our son is still making progress. All he had was us to learn from . But he has a great wife. She is helping him a lot.

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