Domestic Violence Rising Amidst Covid-19

In Canada, we’re mourning the lives of 22 people who were senselessly murdered by a lone gunman in quiet, friendly rural Nova Scotia on April 19, 2020. At the time, the mass shooting accounted for more deaths than Covid-19 had in the province with a population of almost one million. For the first few days, …

16 Days of Activism: Montreal Massacre

It was December 6, 1989.  It was the first time I felt the wrath of antifeminism when I learned of what later became known as the Montreal Massacre.  A very sick man, whose name I will not glorify, entered École Polytechnique with mass murder as his intent.  The school, associated with Université de Montréal, ranks …

Shedding Light on a Very Dark Topic – Part 2

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month in the United States.  It’s November in Canada.  I don’t know why the difference, but it lends itself to me writing about it for the next few weeks.  In the U.S. statistics say that three out of four people know someone who is or has been a victim of …

On Being Accommodating

Although the women’s rights movement still has a long journey ahead, every now and then I look back at how things were not so very long ago, particularly if I catch a glimpse of an older TV show or movie.  Men went to work and women stayed home.  Women cooked, cleaned, washed, prepared, chauffeured, decorated, …